Women's Section

The Women’s section is hugely respected and performs an important function in our RSA. Their services are often called upon to perform duties with hosting events – all services they undertake with the highest degree of care, compassion and professionalism.

This wonderful close knit group of people often share adventures around Auckland and many times further afield. They might hire a bus and seek out destinations or simply get together and have a wine & fish and chips on a sunset West Coast beach. These adventures simply give them an outlet and opportunity to socialise with friends in a safe fun environment. These ladies conduct their monthly meetings at the RSA every 2nd Wednesday of the Month commencing at 12pm – you are welcome to attend as they will often have an interesting guest speaker present.

If you would like to join the Women’s section – you will need to be a current member of our RSA. Please enquire though the office so we can assist you through the simple joining process – it’s cheap, join now!